I wanted to create a sketchbook that was a bit more humorous than the the others. The idea of using the theme that Sketchbook suggested was really appealing to me. After many years of being an ESL(English as a second language) teacher, and realizing the craziness of the English Language, the idea of illustrating many of these words looked like fun. So many words sound the same, but have different meanings. The image below shows an example of this.
To view the whole book go to www.sketchbook.com, click on library and put in my name. |
The third challenge was another theme chosen by Sketchbook. It was to illustrate "Lightning in the Night Sky" Create 11 original mono prints, 1 to be kept by the library, 10 to be sent to other sketchbookers around the world. I would get back 10 from artists I never met. Below is one example. Below the page from homonyms is from the challenge to illustrate "Below the Sea"